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how to use facebook ads to grow your business

Facebook Ads have become a go-to need for expanding small to large businesses. This is because it supports increased lead conversion and easy reach to target customers. In the quarter of 2023, there were 3 billion active Facebook users which is by far the most for any social network in the current condition. In January 2023, nearly 89% of the marketing specialists mentioned using Facebook as the major social media network for their digital campaign. This indicates that Facebook has been used as a major networking site for expanding businesses.

Facebook Ads are separate business places on the application which allows flexibility in promoting your business on the internet. It has varied features that allow image, audio and video ads to be surfaced on the site to attract any number of audiences towards products and services by the marketers. But, few may ask how to use such features of Facebook ads to grow their business.

Well!! Look no further, here is all you need to know with an overview of ways to run Facebook ads.

Ways to Run Facebook Ads

  1. A Facebook Business Page is required for using the Facebook Ads Manager in creating a Facebook Ad. So, set up a business profile or use an existing one. Now, navigate to “Tools” and then click on “Go to Ads Manager”. Here, you need to add information and set the payment method and save the changes.
  2. As you enter the Facebook Ads Manager, a dashboard is shown where all the types of campaigns, ad lists, ad set, and other information are presented. Initiate to create a new Ad through Facebook Ads Manager by clicking on “New Campaign”.
  3. Now, select your objective for the Ad.
  4. Next, select your audience and their demographics.
  5. Limit your budget accordingly in a daily and lifetime manner.
  6. Optimise other aspects of the Ad.
  7. Now, click on “Create Ad”.   

Ways to use Facebook Ads to grow Business

1. Interact with target customers

The easiest way of expanding any business is reaching and interacting with the target customers. This is because it allows you to know the emerging and evolving needs of the customers to help you take the required steps in optimising your product or service operations. Whenever you place advertising on Facebook, anyone who can see it can comment on the ads. As a marketer, you can manage and analyse the comments to know the customer’s reaction towards your promotions and products. This would help you to make modifications to the Ads as well as products to meet the needs of the customers. It assists in meeting the customer’s expectations and gradually allows you to grow your business due to positive reactions and acceptance of your products.  

2. Define your Audience

One of the major parts of social media advertising is focusing advertisements towards the target audience in growing their business. Thus, defining the target audience helps your business to reach greater consumers who are interested in buying from you to let your business grow. This is no different for Facebook advertising where you can provide details of your target audience to let your ads run accordingly. You can narrow down the audience based on different segments specified by the Facebook Ads manager for positing ads like gender, location, interest, income, behaviour of purchase and others of customers. The application also supports “Audience Insights” which provides information about people interacting with the brand page along with the rest parts of Facebook. This insight helps businesses create content which resonates with the target audience and assists in finding more similar people like the current audience in expanding the reach of their business.    

3. Select Appropriate Type of Content

The mixing up of different content types is essential in keeping the audience engaged and maintaining the steady growth of your business. This is because effective content educates and keeps the audience engaged with your business. It also influences new audiences to get intrigued to know about your brand and show intention to purchase which eventually supports your business growth. There are different types of Facebook advertising such as photo ads which include static images with captions and video ads which include video files with audio that appears on the audience screen. The other ad types are stories ads which are customised ads appearing on stories, messenger ads which appear on Facebook Messenger, carousel ads which consist of various static images and many more. You can get ideas about the various ads for Facebook and its specifications from our other blogs.

4. Create a Good Ad copy

The images on your ad on Facebook are not the only thing that draws the audience. A great ad copy is required as the audience would normally read the ad text after viewing the image or video to know more about the brand. In case of poor ad copy, the audience remains uninformed about the purpose of the ad and the specialities of the product. It makes the target audience get confused and avoids making conversions even after seeing the ad. Therefore, to grow your business by using Facebook Ads, you are to be aware of creating an innovative ad copy which grabs the attention of customers to buy from you. The best way to write an excellent ad copy is using the AIDA model.

5. Perform A/B testing

In marketing, A/B testing is the most effective way of determining the best form of content which causes visits to be converted into purchase and sign-ups. It indicates increased lead generation and high conversion as it helps businesses to select the best Meta-advertising across Facebook preferred by most audiences. A/B testing of ads also helps to lower bounce rates as they help to create ads that combine segments which keeps the audience for a longer time on the site. The increased time spent by the visitor, the more likely they are to make a conversion out of understanding the value of the content which supports the growth of your business.

So how can you perform A/B testing on Facebook Ads?

6. Block Unwanted Audience

In growing your business, the presentation of your advertisement to an unwanted audience is a waste of resources. It costs your business to lose time, effort and money with no turnover as growth. Facebook Ads Manager understands the concept and allows the business to create a blocklist for unwanted audiences. It is to ensure unnecessary wastage of resources along with rightful promotion of your business to grow. The blocklist in Facebook Ads mainly acts as filters to prevent your business advertisement from being shown on certain pages on Facebook, In-stream videos and others.

7. Create Sponsored Ads

The business can use Facebook Ads to grow their business by publishing sponsored messages for their audience. Sponsored messages are information which shares promotions, offers and updates with the audience who directly communicate with the business through their Ad on the messaging platform of Facebook. These types of ads are easy to create like any other ads through Facebook Ads Manager by indicating “message” as the objective of the advertisement.

8. Development of Landing Page for Facebook Ad

The growth of your business depends on the action taken by the audience on your product landing page after watching the ad. This is because increased conversation from generated leads ensures the growth of your business. In this context, use the Facebook advertisement not only to show your brand uniqueness and information but also to leads the audience to a well-developed landing page. A well-developed landing page that supports high conversion includes a registration or email submit box for tracking the conversion. The landing pages are to be simple yet attractive. You are to avoid providing increased options to the audience as they may get puzzled with too much data. Keep the landing page informative so that the audience brought in through the Facebook ad can make an informed decision to make the purchase.     

9. Increased Access to Audience

The advertising on Facebook helps businesses to grow by allowing them to reach more audiences through paid promotion which is beyond organic social media marketing. Moreover, the different advertisement types on Facebook make a unique attempt to create diverse ads to drive organic traffic. The paid advertisement on Facebook drivers greater engagement and faster impressions with more conversions. It leads the content to generate more views of the products and services that drive more traffic.

10. Remarketing

The advertisement on Facebook promotes the growth of the business by supporting remarketing. A remarketing strategy helps in business growth by reaching the audience through the advertisement who have already visited the Facebook page or app of the business but may not have converted into consumers. The process involves the use of dynamic ads to show the individual the things they may be most interested in creating attraction. Dynamic ads are used because they automatically show the audience the most relevant products and services which they have viewed previously or have shown interest while seeing different ads on Facebook. However, the businesses cannot consider their task to end by positing the remarketing ad. They have the responsibility to identify the way remarketing ads are performing to ensure getting increased engagement which is necessary for growing the business.

11. Ensure Consistency of Facebook Ads

The business to grow through the use of advertisements on Facebook is to ensure the ads are consistent. No business can grow in a day as it takes time to build brand loyalty and audience base. Thus, it would be inappropriate to consider that any small or new business can grow consistently from the first day of posting a Facebook ad. Facebook is a huge marketplace where loads of ads are running each day. Your business needs to ensure the monitoring of the advertisement on a regular basis so that prompt adjustments can be executed.

12. Set Ads as per Your Business Goals

The advertising on Facebook can drive business growth by allowing the ads to be set as per business objectives. This is because it helps in showing ads to target audience that relates to accomplishing the specific goal of the business. In Facebook, ads can be set specifically for boosting post ads which helps in increasing engagement or increases response to high-value content. It can used for the promotion of pages that are used in getting more likes and views of the business page, website ads to drive increased referral traffic to the website and call-to-action promotions to allow the target audience to interact with the business page by clicking a customised button. Moreover, the Facebook Ads platform allows businesses to focus on wider goals such as sales, leads and increasing visibility for business growth.      

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use Facebook Ads in growing my business?

Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to easily reach your target audience. It helps advertisers target key demographics and audiences based on gathered data in the Ads to drive increased engagement and conversion for business.

What businesses should use Facebook ads for growth?

 Facebook contains diverse audiences of different tastes which makes it a common platform to be equally used by any business in achieving their growth. There is no limitation to any industry as Facebook promotes both B2C and B2B businesses. 


By now you have realised the importance of Facebook Ads for your business and the way they can gradually help you to grow. However, it is not only effective for B2C marketing but also for B2B marketing to promote business growth. You can equally post B2B Facebook Ads and experience similar benefits as mentioned above to grow your business. Now, start working on your next Ad.

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