
Performance Max Campaign: Assets Specifications, Benefits and Best Techniques

Performance Max Campaign is a new addition by Google in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for framing ad campaigns. It was launched in 2021 as the first-ever AI campaign by Google to allow online advertising across Google Ads Inventory like Gmail, Discover, YouTube, Search, Maps and Display. Advertises with Google ads say implementation of performance Max Campaign to their Ads leads to 18% more conversions on an average at the same cost set by Ad word Google.

Benefits of the Performance Max campaign:

Here, are a few ways the Performance Max campaign is beneficial for all:

Improved Targeting of Audience

The Performance Max campaign has taken over the burden of selecting the best target audience for your ads on YouTube or any Google Network. You feed the campaign with your custom data and additional audience signals only. You will get back a precisely chosen target audience base which shows a higher likelihood to convert. This saves you time and effort while unlocking new and unique customer profiles for you.   

Gather Key Insights for Google Ads

In your Google Ads account, click on the Insights page to see Performance Max campaign performance. Here, you will see the way AI is working to search your audience and create relevant assets to reach your target audience. This nature of the campaign assists you to decide way to perform the campaign in the best way across different channels. The insights help you remodel your Google ads marketing to ensure reaching the target audience.  

Better Optimisation of Google Ads

All the responsibilities of optimising headlines, images, video and descriptions in your online advertising are taken over by the Performance Max campaign. It creates auto-optimised ads in real time by identifying your target audience. It promotes businesses without the need to manage different campaigns as it allows all the Google Ads inventory to be accessed by the marketers in a single campaign. This helps in creating the best combination that mostly works in your favour to gain increased conversion from your ads.

Increase Ad value and Conversion

It supports better optimisation of budget as well as bids on Google Ads in real-time which drives increased conversions. Some initial marketers often report Google advertising rates to be confusing as they cannot understand way to place accurate bidding which could drive the best conversions. The issue is resolved with Performance Max campaigns which takes over the task of recommending best biding for your ads.  

So, I think there is no more need to convince you the need of a Performance Max campaign. Let’s get into its specifications!

Performance Max Campaign Asset Specifications

Performance Max campaign has four types of assets to be followed which are texts, images, video and Ad extensions. A combination of these assets helps to creatively display for your ads to be noticed across varied channels. Without the assets, this type of campaign will only be shown on Google Search, Google Shopping and Google Display Network. It will limit your reach to your valuable audience.

Text Asset Specifications:

These are the specifications for different types of text assets in the campaign:

Headline·   Length: 30 characters (maximum)·   Additional requirement: 15 characters or less in length with a minimum of 1 headline  ·   No. of Recommended Assets: 15 (maximum) or 3 (minimum)
Long Headline·   Length: 90 characters (maximum)·   No. of. Recommended Assets: 5 (maximum) or 1 (minimum)
Description·   Lengths: 90 characters (maximum)·   Additional requirement: 60 characters or less with a minimum 1 description·   No. of Recommended Assets: 5 (maximum) or 1 (minimum)
Business Name·   Length: 25 characters (maximum)·   No. of Recommended assets: 1
Call-to-action·   Default: Automated·   Optional: Personally, select from the list·   No. of Recommended Assets: 1
Display URL path·   Length: 15 characters (maximum)·   No. of Recommended Assets: 2 (maximum) or 1 (minimum)

You are to focus on dynamic texts that are relevant for all so that they match the search commands with ease. Focus on providing more options for texts to create better combinations on presenting information for online advertising ads. Identify your USPs of the product or services to incorporate them in texts to draw the attention of your target audience. Remember adding call-to-actions such as “Shop now”, “Add to cart”, “Buy now”, etc.

Image Asset Specifications:

In online advertising through this type of campaign, there are five different types of image assets to be used. These are the specifications to be followed:

Landscape Image·   Aspect ratio (required): 1.91:1·   Size (recommended): 1200 x 638 pixels  ·   Size (minimum): 600 x 314 pixels·   File size (maximum): 5120 kb·   No. of Recommended Assets: 3 (1(minimum), 20 (maximum))
Square Image·   Aspect ratio (required): 1:1·   Size (recommended): 1200 x 1200 pixels·   Size (minimum): 300 x 300 pixels·   File size (maximum): 5120 kb·   No. of Recommended Assets: 3 (1(minimum), 20 (maximum))
Portrait Image·   Aspect ratio (required): 4:5·   Size (recommended): 960 x 1200 pixels·   Size (minimum): 480 x 600 pixels·   File size (maximum): No specifications·   No. of Recommended Assets: 1 (0(minimum), 20 (maximum))
Square Logo·   Aspect ratio (required): 1:1·   Size (recommended): 1200 x 1200 pixels·   Size (minimum):128 x 128 pixels·   File size (maximum): 5120 kb·   No. of Recommended Assets: 1 (1(minimum), 5 (maximum))
Landscape Logo·   Aspect ratio (required): 4:1·   Size (recommended): 1200 x 1200 pixels·   Size (minimum): 512 x 128 pixels·   File size (maximum): 5120 kb·   No. of Recommended Assets: 1 (0(minimum), 5 (maximum))

Your focus should be on creativity and clarity to ensure the displayed image format with text are not difficult to follow. You should aim for engagement and present proof of your performance to make new consumers trust you. Perform good market research and anticipate the way promotions are to be arranged through the campaigns. The best way is to perform A/B testing of image ads to identify best one.   

Video Asset Specifications:

In these campaigns, there is only one type of video asset that is specially designed for ads in YouTube. However, you can use them in your display network.

The specifications are as follows:

·   Quantity (maximum): 5 (minimum: 0)

·   Length: 10 secs

·   Ratio: Vertical, Horizontal or Square

Google has the efficiency to automatically reshape your landscape format videos into portrait or vertical form in the campaign. It is done according to the suitability of view which you can customise by connecting with Google support. Many will say the audio is optional, but they give more clarity to the viewers for the video content. So, focus on adding short music or quotes to create better video recognition for your ad by your target audience. Remember to edit the thumbnail and pay attention where to allow control buttons such as on top, below, middle or other areas of the video.

Ad Extension Specifications:

There are no specific details about extensions to be included in your main Ad. They are mainly call, callout, lead form, Hotel callout, mobile application, promotion, price, site link and website information. They are used to improve the overall experience of the ad.  

Best Techniques for Performance Max Campaigns

1. Apply Multiple Assets

Always try multiple assets for your online advertisement to create better effectiveness on Google. Focus on a common theme for all assets to ensure aligning them with the desires of your target customers and marketing objectives. You are to challenge Google to test the best alternative, but only if you provide it with multiple options to select from in creating your ad.

2. Create Unique Videos

Think like your audience while setting a video asset in your ad campaign. It is better to create a short-attention-grabbing video than a long one. Nobody waits for long to get a message from just an advertisement. Remember audience would try to skip you in the first 5 seconds, so use the time wisely to introduce your brand within it.  

3. Experiment with Assets

You should avoid thinking only the maximum values indicated for each asset can give you the best outcome. You are to experiment with different variations of the assets to develop the best combination to be followed.

4. Anticipate Data

You have the major task of gathering potential data for setting your best campaign. It will help you anticipate the nature of asset combination that works best for different campaigns on various seasons such as holiday sales, Black Friday sales, after-season sales and others.

5. Impeccable Asset Customisation

If you think of adding large text description, while creating a video ad on YouTube to show your creative products, things will never work. Gather information about best practices for assets in different Google Platforms to suit them accordingly.  

6. Structure your Assets well

A best-structured asset is one which aligns well with the needs of the customers and resolves their search queries in one go. It will take time, but the outcomes will be best.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using Performance Max campaign?

The benefits of using the Performance Max campaign include increased conversion of customers through a single ad campaign, deriving best results with less efforts and enjoying AI use to simplify tasks.

How Performance Max campaign help in online advertisement?

Performance Max campaign helps in impeccable objective selection and creativity for posting ads on Google Network. Its automation support helps in creating best ads to attract customers. Additionally, it improves ad relevancy, connection with customers and allows showing up of online advertising ads at the right moment to consumers.

Is it worth using Performance Max campaigns?

Yes. It helps you to embark on an AI-assisted journey where most of your issues with campaign management will be resolved in no time. You can create good campaigns within minimum time which draws target audience and increases conversions.


The best way of optimising your advertisement is using a Performance Max campaign that assists you to save time and energy. It even creates insights for you to understand where you would want to customise your campaigns. Thus, it brings in an effective AI-assisted journey for Google Ads marketing.

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